Excel Connector Downloads
Excel Connector Downloads
This page lists the main downloads for the Excel Connector product. The Excel Connector allows you to set up a communication link between Excel and any OPC server without any programming.
Current version: Excel Connector 2024.1.
End User License Agreement (EULA)
This Windows installer is identical for both free trial, and commercial editions. It is a Full installer, for development and runtime. A download link for the Production installer (runtime only) is available from within the product.
Included Software
OPC "Classic" simulation server, runnnig as Windows Service, used in the examples, is installed as part of the setup. You can bypass its installation by selecting the custom setup and turning the corresponding component(s) off. The OPC Studio setup program does not install any additional software to the target system.
Uninstall Instructions >
OPC Compatibility
Refer to the documentation for OPC Specifications supported.
If you need to match the client capabilities against requirements expressed in terms of OPC UA profiles, see OPC UA Profiles in the documentation for the full list of profiles supported.
You can also consult lists of OPC UA Services and OPC UA Security Policies supported.
Additional Files
Follow this link for standalone GUI-based or console-based License Manager utility (no installation, just plain .EXE).