Distribution Formats
Depending on your needs, you can obtain QuickOPC either in form of a standalone installer, in NuGet packages, or in Python packages.
Standalone Installer
This is what you get when you directly download the software from the Web site, or obtain it on a distribution media such as CD or flash disk. The installation can then be started by running the setup program and following the on-screen instructions. The setup program presents a wizard-like series of steps, and offers "express" installation choices that allow the installation with just a few clicks, as well as "custom" installations with variety of individually selectable components.
The installation program requires that you have administrative privileges to the system. The installation package file is code-signed, increasing security, improving trust, and providing better download experience from the Web.
The Setup program has command-line switches that allow it to be run silently, and included in your own automated installation programs.
The product includes an uninstall utility and registers itself as an installed application in Windows. It can therefore be removed easily from Control Panel. Alternatively, you can also use the Uninstall icon located in the product’s group in the Start menu.
Useful links: Documentation / Knowledge Base
NuGet packages
NuGet (www.nuget.org ) is a free and open-source package manager designed for the Microsoft development platform. The goal of NuGet is to make the process of incorporating third party libraries into your solutions as simple as possible. In addition to a standalone installer, QuickOPC is provided in form of NuGet packages. Using NuGet allows you to simplify the management of libraries and their dependencies, with better control over library versioning and updates. You need to use a NuGet client in order to access the QuickOPC NuGet packages.
The NuGet client tools provide the ability to produce and consume packages. QuickOPC NuGet packages are hosted in the NuGet Gallery (https://www.nuget.org/packages ). The NuGet Gallery is the central package repository used by all package authors and consumers.
When you use NuGet to install a package, it copies the library files to your solution and automatically updates your project (add references, change config files, etc.). If you remove a package, NuGet reverses whatever changes it made so that no clutter is left.
Note that NuGet is primarily a tool for resolving build-time dependencies. The amount of functionality that you get through QuickOPC NuGet packages is smaller than what QuickOPC can actually do for you. If you want a full coverage of the features, you would be better off downloading the Setup program. Further below you will find a list of differences between the two distribution forms.
List of available NuGet packages
- OpcLabs.QuickOpc : OPC client components for all environments and project types.
- OpcLabs.QuickOpc.Forms : Components that are specific for Windows Forms (can be partially used from WPF as well).
- OpcLabs.QuickOpc.Mqtt , OpcLabs.QuickOpc.MqttNet : MQTT communication packages (for OPC UA PubSub).
- OpcLabs.QuickOpc.Pcap : Ethernet communication package (for OPC UA PubSub).
Example-only packages: For C# OpcLabs.QuickOpc.Sample.CS , for VB.NET OpcLabs.QuickOpc.Sample.VB .
What is included in the NuGet packages
- Runtime assemblies for all OPC specifications and programming models.
- OPC browsing dialogs and browsing controls for Windows Forms.
- IntelliSense support (XML comments).
Python packages
The Python Package Index (PyPI) is a repository of software for the Python programming language. QuickOPC Python packages are hosted on pypi.org .
Note that Python packages are primarily a tool for resolving dependencies. The amount of functionality that you get through QuickOPC Python packages is smaller than what QuickOPC can actually do for you. If you want a full coverage of the features, you should also install the full product using the the Setup program. Further below you will find a list of differences between the two distribution forms.
List of available Python packages
- opclabs-quickopc : OPC client components for all environments and project types (including Windows UI).
- opclabs-mqtt , opclabs-mqttnet : MQTT communication packages (for OPC UA PubSub).
- opclabs-pcap : Ethernet and capture file communication package (for OPC UA PubSub).
What is included in the Python packages
- Runtime assemblies for all OPC specifications.
- OPC browsing dialogs and browsing controls for Windows Forms.
What is only available from the Setup program
- Support for COM development (VB6, PHP, Excel, Delphi and similar tools).
- Conceptual documentation and Help.
- Visual Studio integration, including Live Binding design-time support (codeless creation of OPC applications).
- Examples and Demo applications, Bonus.
- OPC Data Access simulation server, test tools.
- License Manager utility.
Useful links: Documentation / Knowledge Base
Footnote & required disclosure: QuickOPC (including its Options) is a software development kit (SDK) for development of OPC clients and subscribers. Installing QuickOPC or its Options does not change system settings.