This page contains a list of our clients, and some of the completed projects.
Clients References
Our clients include:
- Air Products And Chemicals, Inc. (U.S.A.)
- Beckhoff (Germany)
- Software Toolbox (U.S.A.)
- Mitsubishi Electric Europe (Germany)
- ESA (Italy)
- ZAT Easy Control (Czech Republic)
- Häme Polytechnic, Automaint Department (Finland)
- Germatech AB, SMS Mevac, SYSAV, Neosistemi, Specialty Blades, Poul Johansen Maskiner, ELVATRON S.A., Rapid Eau, Grad d.d. Ljubljana, HBM Computers and Training cc T/a Alphabyte Computers, Perlen Papier AG, IMI FABI LLC, SharpFusion Communications Canada Inc., LANXESS Deutschland GmbH, Honeywell Romania S.R.L., Empir AB, dp Thermo Electric, Honeywell Oy (Finland), Honeywell, SEA Company, ELT servis, SH Automation GmbH, One Point Systems Ltd, TALOS ROBOTICS SA, ERIS s.r.o., Zentiva a.s.
- Flux Software Engineering AB, Amotfors Pappersbruk, Tyco, Borealis AB Polyetenanläggningen, GK Teknik & Fastighetsservice, PPG Industries, Detech
- VUJE, a.s., Norra Älvstranden Utveckling AB, Flux Software Engineering AB, Alfa Laval Nordic AB, Elkem Aluminium Mosjoen, Göteborg Frihamns AB, Mürdter Metall- und Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH, C4 Teknik, Perlen Papier AG, Akademiska Hus AB, Borealis AS, Norra Älvstranden Utveckling AB, Consat Engineering AB, CRF Vävskedsgatan, Fastighets AB Fribordet, Thermia AB, Securitas (Sweden), CRF Kv Generatorn, Karel Kovarik, Lear Corporation Sweden AB, Fortifikationsverket Såtenäs, Isaberg Rapid AB, Eurosys AB, Volvo Group Real Estate Lundby, Arosmotet Rocklunda, ABB Arena, Rosemount Tank Radar AB, Volvo Lastvagnar Lundby, Lidkopings kommun, Electrolux Filter AB, NAUAB Hamnhuset, AcobiaFlux, Region Skane, Vastfastigheter, Danisco A/S, Inland AB, Ninetech AB, DAC AB, Landstingsfastigheter i Jönköping, Niscayah, Revatec, Trebor Automation AB, Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB, TroSoft - Tomas Rook
- Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Weld County School District, ICT-Lyceum, Hogskolan i Skovde