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Monitor Item Change

12 May 2015 06:42 #3121 by

in the two last cases mention above they are easyUAClient for each thread and also all of them with isolated=true.

about the "subscription published has stopped" issue :
1. if the connection was stopped, and then it establish again. how much time it will take from the connection was established till i get the monitorItemChange ? i need this time to be at maximum 5 seconds.

2. also if the connection was stopped, and than it was established after 5 seconds, does the OPCLabs know this after 5 sceonds, or the keep alive mechanism know this just after one minute ? how can i change the keep alive mechanism to check after connection was stopped evey 5-10 seconds ? also does the keep alive mechanism work when there is connection to the server ?

about the monitorItemChange delayed 3 minutes problem :

1. it's correct what you said about the previous post, but it was different version, and things were changed, so we need to focus on the last 2 problems mention above. you can see in the last post that ServerTimeStamp=SourceTimeStamp and i also get errors of "subscription publishing has stopped" in the error log.

2. it's very frustrating when Kepware ( the vendor server ) tell me the problem is with the client, and you OPCLabs, the client, tell me the problem is with the server. My clients are loosing there patience, this problem have been going for a lot of time and need to be resolved.
also i was paying money for OPCLabs than i expect more help resolving this issue, than saying "it's probably server problem" - for example Kepware were connecting to my computer and with me we operate together the wireshark and saw that the problem read\write tags take a lot of time, wasn't from the Kepware. i expect help also from OPCLabs solving this issue once and for all.

thank you,
Adi Damty

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11 May 2015 19:45 #3119 by support
Replied by support on topic Monitor Item Change
In this last case, there are "subscription publishing has stopped" errors in the log. We need to figure out their cause first and resolve it; about any subscription-related issues may arise from them. Has it been observed with Isolated = true already in place, or not yet?

In the previous post, however, I do *not* see any such errors in the log. And, at the same time, I can see that the ServerTimestamp is basically equal to the second when you actually receive the data. When there are no errors reported in the log, and the ServerTimestamp is delayed to the process value change a lot, but it basically equals to the time you log it on the client side, then it is really something that must have a cause on the server side.

Therefore in the end, we may be dealing with two issues: 1) "subscription publishing has stopped" - if all else fails, a Wireshark log would be helpful with this one, 2) delayed notification when there are *no* other errors - this is something I believe has its causeon the server side.

Best regards
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11 May 2015 09:13 #3114 by

another live example for the problem i am getting dataChange event after 3 minutes - in the example below you can see i set the CoilStatus tag to zero at 11:36:06, than after 1-2 seconds it's value was changing, and i get the CoilStatus dataChange only in 11:39:25, above 3 minutes after it was changing. also see in this time i was getting another dataChange events :

2015-05-11 11:36:06 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged line 2406 state Coil Value 0
2015-05-11 11:36:06 – readNewCoil line 2407 after write tag CoilStatus seconds 1.7780297
2015-05-11 11:36:06 – readNewCoil line 2407 after printCoil seconds 1.7965531
2015-05-11 11:36:06 – readNewCoil line 2407 after printStickerMessagesToOperator seconds 1.7966133
2015-05-11 11:36:06 – readNewCoil line 2407 after printPallet seconds 1.8190652
2015-05-11 11:36:06 – readNewCoil line 2407 Finish read coil seconds 1.8191235
2015-05-11 11:36:06 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged line 2407 state Coil Value 0
2015-05-11 11:36:20 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged line 2407 state Coil Value 8002
2015-05-11 11:36:20 – ServerTimestamp 5/11/2015 8:36:20 AM SourceTimestamp 5/11/2015 8:36:20 AM StatusCode Good
2015-05-11 11:36:20 – readNewCoil line 2407 starting
2015-05-11 11:36:20 – readNewCoil line 2407 before ReadMultipleTags seconds 2.83E-05 Total tags 9
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – readNewCoil line 2407 after ReadMultipleTags seconds 3.5561176 Total tags 9
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – readNewCoil line 2407 after readCoilDataPoints seconds 3.5562238
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – readNewCoil line 2407 after readCoilRawMaterialDataPoints seconds 4.1647588 total tags 8
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – readNewCoil line 2407 after writeTagValuesToDB seconds 4.167599
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – readNewCoil line 2407 after getCarriers seconds 4.1683656
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – readNewCoil line 2407 after getCarrierHiData seconds 4.1684254
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – readNewCoil line 2407 after addCoilToDB seconds 4.295992
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – readNewCoil line 2407 before write tag CoilStatus seconds 4.2960958
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – readNewCoil line 2407 after write tag CoilStatus seconds 4.351061
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – readNewCoil line 2407 after write tag sample request seconds 4.4759275
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – readNewCoil line 2407 after printCoil seconds 4.4926576
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – readNewCoil line 2407 after printStickerMessagesToOperator seconds 4.4927208
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – readNewCoil line 2407 after printPallet seconds 4.5199713
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – readNewCoil line 2407 Finish read coil seconds 4.5200436
2015-05-11 11:39:21 – Timer Service Is Running Tick
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged line 2406 state MainConFault Value 0
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged line 2406 state MachineMode Value 4
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged line 2406 state Coil Value 9002
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – ServerTimestamp 5/11/2015 8:39:25 AM SourceTimestamp 5/11/2015 8:39:25 AM StatusCode Good

here is the log entry :

2015-05-11 11:36:03 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:36:03 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (13 entries) follows.
[0:AcceptedNotWinner(80), 1:AcceptedNotWinner(130), 2:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 3:AcceptedNotWinner(140), 4:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 5:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 6:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 7:EligibleNotAccepted(140), 8:Winner(1000+0), 9:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 10:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 11:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 12:EligibleNotAccepted(140)].
2015-05-11 11:36:03 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" with security policy URI "" and transport policy URI "", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection.
2015-05-11 11:36:03 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message An OPC-UA endpoint has been selected for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" with following parameters:
Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "", transport profile URI "".
2015-05-11 11:36:03 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA user token selection on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (2 entries) follows.
[0:Winner(""), 1:ValidNotEligible(NotApplicable(""))].
2015-05-11 11:36:03 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty list of software certificates.
2015-05-11 11:36:03 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" did not return a valid software certificate for product URI " Server" listed in server endpoints. The server returned 0 software certificate(s) in total.
2015-05-11 11:36:03 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty server signature.
2015-05-11 11:36:03 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has successfully connected to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:36:03 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message When creating or modifying a monitored item, the OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has revised the sampling interval to 5000 milliseconds; the requested sampling interval was 15000 milliseconds. Further such warnings on this session will not be logged.
2015-05-11 11:36:04 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:36:04 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (13 entries) follows.
[0:AcceptedNotWinner(80), 1:AcceptedNotWinner(130), 2:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 3:AcceptedNotWinner(140), 4:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 5:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 6:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 7:EligibleNotAccepted(140), 8:Winner(1000+0), 9:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 10:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 11:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 12:EligibleNotAccepted(140)].
2015-05-11 11:36:04 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" with security policy URI "" and transport policy URI "", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection.
2015-05-11 11:36:04 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message An OPC-UA endpoint has been selected for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" with following parameters:
Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "", transport profile URI "".
2015-05-11 11:36:04 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA user token selection on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (2 entries) follows.
[0:Winner(""), 1:ValidNotEligible(NotApplicable(""))].
2015-05-11 11:36:04 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty list of software certificates.
2015-05-11 11:36:04 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" did not return a valid software certificate for product URI " Server" listed in server endpoints. The server returned 0 software certificate(s) in total.
2015-05-11 11:36:04 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty server signature.
2015-05-11 11:36:04 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has successfully connected to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:36:04 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message When creating or modifying a monitored item, the OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has revised the sampling interval to 5000 milliseconds; the requested sampling interval was 15000 milliseconds. Further such warnings on this session will not be logged.
2015-05-11 11:36:11 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is disconnecting from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:36:11 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has disconnected from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:36:11 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is disconnecting from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:36:11 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has disconnected from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:36:21 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (13 entries) follows.
[0:AcceptedNotWinner(80), 1:AcceptedNotWinner(130), 2:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 3:AcceptedNotWinner(140), 4:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 5:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 6:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 7:EligibleNotAccepted(140), 8:Winner(1000+0), 9:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 10:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 11:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 12:EligibleNotAccepted(140)].
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" with security policy URI "" and transport policy URI "", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection.
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message An OPC-UA endpoint has been selected for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" with following parameters:
Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "", transport profile URI "".
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA user token selection on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (2 entries) follows.
[0:Winner(""), 1:ValidNotEligible(NotApplicable(""))].
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty list of software certificates.
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" did not return a valid software certificate for product URI " Server" listed in server endpoints. The server returned 0 software certificate(s) in total.
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty server signature.
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has successfully connected to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:36:23 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message When creating or modifying a monitored item, the OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has revised the sampling interval to 5000 milliseconds; the requested sampling interval was 15000 milliseconds. Further such warnings on this session will not be logged.
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (13 entries) follows.
[0:AcceptedNotWinner(80), 1:AcceptedNotWinner(130), 2:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 3:AcceptedNotWinner(140), 4:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 5:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 6:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 7:EligibleNotAccepted(140), 8:Winner(1000+0), 9:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 10:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 11:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 12:EligibleNotAccepted(140)].
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" with security policy URI "" and transport policy URI "", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection.
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message An OPC-UA endpoint has been selected for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" with following parameters:
Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "", transport profile URI "".
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA user token selection on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (2 entries) follows.
[0:Winner(""), 1:ValidNotEligible(NotApplicable(""))].
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty list of software certificates.
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" did not return a valid software certificate for product URI " Server" listed in server endpoints. The server returned 0 software certificate(s) in total.
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty server signature.
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has successfully connected to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:36:24 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message When creating or modifying a monitored item, the OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has revised the sampling interval to 5000 milliseconds; the requested sampling interval was 15000 milliseconds. Further such warnings on this session will not be logged.
2015-05-11 11:36:30 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is disconnecting from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:36:30 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has disconnected from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:36:32 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is disconnecting from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:36:32 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has disconnected from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:37:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:37:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (13 entries) follows.
[0:AcceptedNotWinner(80), 1:AcceptedNotWinner(130), 2:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 3:AcceptedNotWinner(140), 4:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 5:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 6:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 7:EligibleNotAccepted(140), 8:Winner(1000+0), 9:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 10:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 11:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 12:EligibleNotAccepted(140)].
2015-05-11 11:37:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" with security policy URI "" and transport policy URI "", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection.
2015-05-11 11:37:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message An OPC-UA endpoint has been selected for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" with following parameters:
Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "", transport profile URI "".
2015-05-11 11:37:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA user token selection on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (2 entries) follows.
[0:Winner(""), 1:ValidNotEligible(NotApplicable(""))].
2015-05-11 11:37:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty list of software certificates.
2015-05-11 11:37:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" did not return a valid software certificate for product URI " Server" listed in server endpoints. The server returned 0 software certificate(s) in total.
2015-05-11 11:37:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty server signature.
2015-05-11 11:37:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has successfully connected to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:37:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message When creating or modifying a monitored item, the OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has revised the sampling interval to 5000 milliseconds; the requested sampling interval was 15000 milliseconds. Further such warnings on this session will not be logged.
2015-05-11 11:37:32 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is disconnecting from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:37:32 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has disconnected from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:38:26 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:38:26 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (13 entries) follows.
[0:AcceptedNotWinner(80), 1:AcceptedNotWinner(130), 2:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 3:AcceptedNotWinner(140), 4:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 5:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 6:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 7:EligibleNotAccepted(140), 8:Winner(1000+0), 9:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 10:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 11:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 12:EligibleNotAccepted(140)].
2015-05-11 11:38:26 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" with security policy URI "" and transport policy URI "", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection.
2015-05-11 11:38:26 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message An OPC-UA endpoint has been selected for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" with following parameters:
Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "", transport profile URI "".
2015-05-11 11:38:26 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA user token selection on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (2 entries) follows.
[0:Winner(""), 1:ValidNotEligible(NotApplicable(""))].
2015-05-11 11:38:26 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty list of software certificates.
2015-05-11 11:38:26 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" did not return a valid software certificate for product URI " Server" listed in server endpoints. The server returned 0 software certificate(s) in total.
2015-05-11 11:38:26 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty server signature.
2015-05-11 11:38:26 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has successfully connected to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:38:26 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message When creating or modifying a monitored item, the OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has revised the sampling interval to 5000 milliseconds; the requested sampling interval was 15000 milliseconds. Further such warnings on this session will not be logged.
2015-05-11 11:38:32 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is disconnecting from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:38:32 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has disconnected from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has received a publish response with an unknown subscription Id 871. Further such errors on this session will not be logged. Sequence number: 1.
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (13 entries) follows.
[0:AcceptedNotWinner(80), 1:AcceptedNotWinner(130), 2:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 3:AcceptedNotWinner(140), 4:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 5:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 6:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 7:EligibleNotAccepted(140), 8:Winner(1000+0), 9:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 10:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 11:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 12:EligibleNotAccepted(140)].
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" with security policy URI "" and transport policy URI "", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection.
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message An OPC-UA endpoint has been selected for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" with following parameters:
Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "", transport profile URI "".
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA user token selection on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (2 entries) follows.
[0:Winner(""), 1:ValidNotEligible(NotApplicable(""))].
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty list of software certificates.
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" did not return a valid software certificate for product URI " Server" listed in server endpoints. The server returned 0 software certificate(s) in total.
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty server signature.
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has successfully connected to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (13 entries) follows.
[0:AcceptedNotWinner(80), 1:AcceptedNotWinner(130), 2:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 3:AcceptedNotWinner(140), 4:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 5:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 6:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 7:EligibleNotAccepted(140), 8:Winner(1000+0), 9:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 10:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 11:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 12:EligibleNotAccepted(140)].
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" with security policy URI "" and transport policy URI "", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection.
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message An OPC-UA endpoint has been selected for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" with following parameters:
Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "", transport profile URI "".
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA user token selection on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (2 entries) follows.
[0:Winner(""), 1:ValidNotEligible(NotApplicable(""))].
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty list of software certificates.
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" did not return a valid software certificate for product URI " Server" listed in server endpoints. The server returned 0 software certificate(s) in total.
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty server signature.
2015-05-11 11:39:25 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has successfully connected to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:39:26 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message When creating or modifying a monitored item, the OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has revised the sampling interval to 5000 milliseconds; the requested sampling interval was 15000 milliseconds. Further such warnings on this session will not be logged.
2015-05-11 11:39:26 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message When creating or modifying a monitored item, the OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has revised the sampling interval to 5000 milliseconds; the requested sampling interval was 15000 milliseconds. Further such warnings on this session will not be logged.
2015-05-11 11:39:28 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:39:28 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (13 entries) follows.
[0:AcceptedNotWinner(80), 1:AcceptedNotWinner(130), 2:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 3:AcceptedNotWinner(140), 4:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 5:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 6:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 7:EligibleNotAccepted(140), 8:Winner(1000+0), 9:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 10:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 11:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 12:EligibleNotAccepted(140)].
2015-05-11 11:39:28 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" with security policy URI "" and transport policy URI "", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection.
2015-05-11 11:39:28 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message An OPC-UA endpoint has been selected for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" with following parameters:
Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "", transport profile URI "".
2015-05-11 11:39:28 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA user token selection on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (2 entries) follows.
[0:Winner(""), 1:ValidNotEligible(NotApplicable(""))].
2015-05-11 11:39:28 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty list of software certificates.
2015-05-11 11:39:28 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" did not return a valid software certificate for product URI " Server" listed in server endpoints. The server returned 0 software certificate(s) in total.
2015-05-11 11:39:28 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty server signature.
2015-05-11 11:39:28 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has successfully connected to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:39:28 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message When creating or modifying a monitored item, the OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has revised the sampling interval to 5000 milliseconds; the requested sampling interval was 15000 milliseconds. Further such warnings on this session will not be logged.
2015-05-11 11:39:35 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is disconnecting from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:39:35 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has disconnected from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:39:35 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is disconnecting from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:39:35 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has disconnected from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:39:37 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:39:37 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (13 entries) follows.
[0:AcceptedNotWinner(80), 1:AcceptedNotWinner(130), 2:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 3:AcceptedNotWinner(140), 4:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 5:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 6:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 7:EligibleNotAccepted(140), 8:Winner(1000+0), 9:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 10:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 11:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 12:EligibleNotAccepted(140)].
2015-05-11 11:39:37 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" with security policy URI "" and transport policy URI "", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection.
2015-05-11 11:39:37 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message An OPC-UA endpoint has been selected for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" with following parameters:
Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "", transport profile URI "".
2015-05-11 11:39:37 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA user token selection on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (2 entries) follows.
[0:Winner(""), 1:ValidNotEligible(NotApplicable(""))].
2015-05-11 11:39:37 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty list of software certificates.
2015-05-11 11:39:37 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" did not return a valid software certificate for product URI " Server" listed in server endpoints. The server returned 0 software certificate(s) in total.
2015-05-11 11:39:37 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty server signature.
2015-05-11 11:39:37 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has successfully connected to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:39:38 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message When creating or modifying a monitored item, the OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has revised the sampling interval to 5000 milliseconds; the requested sampling interval was 15000 milliseconds. Further such warnings on this session will not be logged.
2015-05-11 11:39:45 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is disconnecting from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:39:45 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has disconnected from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:39:45 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:39:45 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (13 entries) follows.
[0:AcceptedNotWinner(80), 1:AcceptedNotWinner(130), 2:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 3:AcceptedNotWinner(140), 4:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 5:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 6:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 7:EligibleNotAccepted(140), 8:Winner(1000+0), 9:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 10:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 11:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 12:EligibleNotAccepted(140)].
2015-05-11 11:39:45 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" with security policy URI "" and transport policy URI "", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection.
2015-05-11 11:39:45 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message An OPC-UA endpoint has been selected for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" with following parameters:
Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "", transport profile URI "".
2015-05-11 11:39:45 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA user token selection on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (2 entries) follows.
[0:Winner(""), 1:ValidNotEligible(NotApplicable(""))].
2015-05-11 11:39:45 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty list of software certificates.
2015-05-11 11:39:45 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" did not return a valid software certificate for product URI " Server" listed in server endpoints. The server returned 0 software certificate(s) in total.
2015-05-11 11:39:45 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty server signature.
2015-05-11 11:39:45 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has successfully connected to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:39:45 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message When creating or modifying a monitored item, the OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has revised the sampling interval to 5000 milliseconds; the requested sampling interval was 15000 milliseconds. Further such warnings on this session will not be logged.
2015-05-11 11:40:17 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is disconnecting from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:40:17 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has disconnected from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:40:18 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:40:18 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (13 entries) follows.
[0:AcceptedNotWinner(80), 1:AcceptedNotWinner(130), 2:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 3:AcceptedNotWinner(140), 4:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 5:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 6:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 7:EligibleNotAccepted(140), 8:Winner(1000+0), 9:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 10:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 11:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 12:EligibleNotAccepted(140)].
2015-05-11 11:40:18 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" with security policy URI "" and transport policy URI "", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection.
2015-05-11 11:40:18 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message An OPC-UA endpoint has been selected for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" with following parameters:
Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "", transport profile URI "".
2015-05-11 11:40:18 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA user token selection on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (2 entries) follows.
[0:Winner(""), 1:ValidNotEligible(NotApplicable(""))].
2015-05-11 11:40:18 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty list of software certificates.
2015-05-11 11:40:18 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" did not return a valid software certificate for product URI " Server" listed in server endpoints. The server returned 0 software certificate(s) in total.
2015-05-11 11:40:18 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty server signature.
2015-05-11 11:40:18 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has successfully connected to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:40:18 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message When creating or modifying a monitored item, the OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has revised the sampling interval to 5000 milliseconds; the requested sampling interval was 15000 milliseconds. Further such warnings on this session will not be logged.
2015-05-11 11:40:32 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:40:32 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (13 entries) follows.
[0:AcceptedNotWinner(80), 1:AcceptedNotWinner(130), 2:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 3:AcceptedNotWinner(140), 4:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 5:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 6:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 7:EligibleNotAccepted(140), 8:Winner(1000+0), 9:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 10:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 11:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 12:EligibleNotAccepted(140)].
2015-05-11 11:40:32 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message An OPC-UA endpoint has been selected for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" with following parameters:
Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "", transport profile URI "".
2015-05-11 11:40:32 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" with security policy URI "" and transport policy URI "", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection.
2015-05-11 11:40:32 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA user token selection on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (2 entries) follows.
[0:Winner(""), 1:ValidNotEligible(NotApplicable(""))].
2015-05-11 11:40:32 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty list of software certificates.
2015-05-11 11:40:32 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty server signature.
2015-05-11 11:40:32 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" did not return a valid software certificate for product URI " Server" listed in server endpoints. The server returned 0 software certificate(s) in total.
2015-05-11 11:40:32 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has successfully connected to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:40:33 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message When creating or modifying a monitored item, the OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has revised the sampling interval to 5000 milliseconds; the requested sampling interval was 15000 milliseconds. Further such warnings on this session will not be logged.

thank you,
Adi Damty

Please Log in or Create an account to join the conversation.

11 May 2015 08:42 #3113 by

i still see it's takes me time to get the monitorItemChange event.

for example from my log file you can see it's takes about 14 seconds to get the monitorItemChange event ( after i set the tag to zero, it was changing to 8002 after 1-2 seconds ) :

2015-05-11 11:28:14 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged line 2406 state Coil Value 0
2015-05-11 11:28:30 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged line 2406 state Coil Value 8002
2015-05-11 11:28:30 – ServerTimestamp 5/11/2015 8:28:30 AM SourceTimestamp 5/11/2015 8:28:30 AM StatusCode Good

and here is the logEntry after set the isolated to true :

2015-05-11 11:28:12 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:28:12 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (13 entries) follows.
[0:AcceptedNotWinner(80), 1:AcceptedNotWinner(130), 2:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 3:AcceptedNotWinner(140), 4:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 5:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 6:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 7:EligibleNotAccepted(140), 8:Winner(1000+0), 9:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 10:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 11:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 12:EligibleNotAccepted(140)].
2015-05-11 11:28:12 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message An OPC-UA endpoint has been selected for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" with following parameters:
Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "", transport profile URI "".
2015-05-11 11:28:12 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" with security policy URI "" and transport policy URI "", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection.
2015-05-11 11:28:12 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA user token selection on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (2 entries) follows.
[0:Winner(""), 1:ValidNotEligible(NotApplicable(""))].
2015-05-11 11:28:12 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty list of software certificates.
2015-05-11 11:28:12 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" did not return a valid software certificate for product URI " Server" listed in server endpoints. The server returned 0 software certificate(s) in total.
2015-05-11 11:28:12 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty server signature.
2015-05-11 11:28:12 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has successfully connected to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:28:12 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message When creating or modifying a monitored item, the OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has revised the sampling interval to 5000 milliseconds; the requested sampling interval was 15000 milliseconds. Further such warnings on this session will not be logged.
2015-05-11 11:28:16 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:28:16 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (13 entries) follows.
[0:AcceptedNotWinner(80), 1:AcceptedNotWinner(130), 2:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 3:AcceptedNotWinner(140), 4:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 5:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 6:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 7:EligibleNotAccepted(140), 8:Winner(1000+0), 9:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 10:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 11:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 12:EligibleNotAccepted(140)].
2015-05-11 11:28:16 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message An OPC-UA endpoint has been selected for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" with following parameters:
Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "", transport profile URI "".
2015-05-11 11:28:16 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" with security policy URI "" and transport policy URI "", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection.
2015-05-11 11:28:16 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA user token selection on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (2 entries) follows.
[0:Winner(""), 1:ValidNotEligible(NotApplicable(""))].
2015-05-11 11:28:16 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty list of software certificates.
2015-05-11 11:28:16 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty server signature.
2015-05-11 11:28:16 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" did not return a valid software certificate for product URI " Server" listed in server endpoints. The server returned 0 software certificate(s) in total.
2015-05-11 11:28:16 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has successfully connected to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:28:17 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message When creating or modifying a monitored item, the OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has revised the sampling interval to 5000 milliseconds; the requested sampling interval was 15000 milliseconds. Further such warnings on this session will not be logged.
2015-05-11 11:28:20 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is disconnecting from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:28:20 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has disconnected from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:28:22 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is disconnecting from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:28:22 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has disconnected from endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:28:30 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:28:30 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA endpoint selection on discovery URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (13 entries) follows.
[0:AcceptedNotWinner(80), 1:AcceptedNotWinner(130), 2:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 3:AcceptedNotWinner(140), 4:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 5:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 6:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 7:EligibleNotAccepted(140), 8:Winner(1000+0), 9:EligibleNotAccepted(80), 10:EligibleNotAccepted(130), 11:EligibleNotAccepted(90), 12:EligibleNotAccepted(140)].
2015-05-11 11:28:30 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" with security policy URI "" and transport policy URI "", selected using discovery on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", has zero security level. Using this endpoint is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. This happens when no other endpoints are available and eligible for selection.
2015-05-11 11:28:30 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message An OPC-UA endpoint has been selected for discovery URL "opc.tcp://" with following parameters:
Endpoint URL "opc.tcp://", message security mode 'None', security policy URI "", transport profile URI "".
2015-05-11 11:28:30 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message OPC-UA user token selection on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" candidate report (2 entries) follows.
[0:Winner(""), 1:ValidNotEligible(NotApplicable(""))].
2015-05-11 11:28:30 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty list of software certificates.
2015-05-11 11:28:30 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" did not return a valid software certificate for product URI " Server" listed in server endpoints. The server returned 0 software certificate(s) in total.
2015-05-11 11:28:30 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" returned an empty server signature.
2015-05-11 11:28:30 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message The OPC-UA client session has successfully connected to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
2015-05-11 11:28:31 – EasyUAClient_LogEntry Message When creating or modifying a monitored item, the OPC-UA server on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" has revised the sampling interval to 5000 milliseconds; the requested sampling interval was 15000 milliseconds. Further such warnings on this session will not be logged.

thank you,
Adi Damty

Please Log in or Create an account to join the conversation.

11 May 2015 08:00 #3112 by

in the earlier report with similar symptom (3 minutes delay), i have reported that the server ServerTimestamp had a time with 3 minutes delay and was 1-2 seconds before monitorItemChanged was called.
i don't found the log files with this specific example i posted, but as far as i remember this is the case also here.

i publish this post after i resolve the problem, that the read or write tag takes a lot of time - i resolve this problem by creating new EasyUaClient for each thread. also i publish this post before i set the isolated property to true, now i change it to true and will check again. i will notify you today or maximum tommorow if the problem resolved or remain.

about "...subscription publishing has stopped" - if the connection was stopped, and then it establish again. how much time it will take from the connection was established till i get the monitorItemChange ? i need this time to be at maximum 5 seconds.

also if the connection was stopped, and than it was established after 5 seconds, does the OPCLabs know this hafter 5 sceonds, or the keep alive mechanism know this just after one minute ? how can i change the keep alive mechanism to check after connection was stopped evey 5-10 seconds ? also does the keep alive mechanism work when there is connection to the server ?

thank you,
Adi Damty

Please Log in or Create an account to join the conversation.

11 May 2015 07:07 #3109 by support
Replied by support on topic Monitor Item Change
In the earlier report with similar symptom (3 minutes delay), you have reported that the ServerTimestamp had a time with 3 minutes delay as well. What is the situation with server timestamp in this case please?

For the remainder of my answer I assume that this time it is different - i.e. that the server timestamp is "good" (close to the time when the process value has changed).

In this case we have these "...subscription publishing has stopped" errors, which really should not be there, therefore the delay might be caused by this (and the value finally comes when the connection is reestablished or so).

As I explained in the other forum thread, I suspect that this might be because there are operations that take long time on the same session, and due to a problem (which I think originates in the OPC UA .NET Stack, but for you of course it is QuickOPC that you interface to) that can disrupt the Publish mechanism of OPC UA subscriptions. I will investigate further; for the time being, can you please implement the change with "Isolated = true" on separate EasyUAClient instances. Have at least one for all subscriptions, and a second or more for the reads/writes.

Best regards
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10 May 2015 11:27 #3104 by

sometimes tags are changing and i get the tags after 3 minutes :

for example tag coilStatus was changing in 11:16:10 and i only get the data change event in 11:19:05. attached the opcLabs log ( logEntry ). can you explain ? and how i can approve this ?

thank you,
Adi Damty

2015-05-10 11:15:58 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:15:58 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:15:58 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:15:58 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:15:58 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:15:58 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:15:58 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:15:58 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:15:58 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:15:58 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:33:40 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:33:40 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:33:40 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:33:40 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:33:40 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:33:40 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:33:40 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:33:40 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:33:40 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:33:40 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:51:02 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:51:02 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:51:02 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:51:02 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:51:02 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:51:02 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:51:02 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:51:02 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2407 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:51:02 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.
2015-05-10 11:51:02 – m_EasyUAClientCoils_MonitoredItemChanged PlantModel 2406 Exception OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Engine.UAClientEngineException: The OPC-UA subscription publishing has stopped.

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