Thanks for the info. I am slightly concerned about the fact you worded your response. You wrote "I do see some log entries when I apply the license but I don't see any log entries when this error happens". If there truly was a queue overflow (which is what I am trying to determine), the log entry for that would *not* be when the :Write not completed" error occurs. It would be somewhere before it (even a long time before it). So, it is necessary to have the whole record of all log entries to rule out the queue overflow. Please check it, or post it here or send to support09 (at) opclabs.com.
In case the queue overflow is not the cause, it can then be truly the case that the server has not reported the outcome of the "Write" operation in time. And yes, that may have to do with the fact it is Modbus - perhaps even the actual device had not responded at all (or not in time). I think the default timeout now is 20 seconds. You can either
1) Try to increase the timeout (I can give instructions on how to do that), or
2) Try to use OPC Analyzer to analyze the communication between QuickOPC (your app) and the Kepware server. That would tell us whether it is the Kepware server not returning the "write" result in time, or some issue on QuickOPC side. Again, I can give some instruction on this if you like.
Best regards