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Certificate's signature algorithm

22 May 2020 08:58 #8498 by KrisSik

Could you please describe what criteria are used while selecting the certificate from the certificate store?
I generated a few certificates using OpenSSL and UA Configuration tool (by OPC Foundation) with Subject: CN=MyApplicationName, but could not use any of those. All of them were replaced with another generated certificate.

Best regards,

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22 May 2020 07:30 #8497 by KrisSik

Also I encountered another problem.
I have an existing certificate with subject like this (both private and public keys are installed in the appropriate Certificate store):
Subject: CN=MyApplicationName, O=PC, S=BAR, C=UN.
Then I set
EasyUAClient.SharedParameters.EngineParameters.ApplicationParameters.ApplicationName = "MyApplicationName";
During startup my certificate is deleted from the store and is being replaced by a new generated certificate. How can I use my pregenerated certificate as application instance certificate?

Best regards,

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21 May 2020 08:55 - 21 May 2020 08:59 #8496 by KrisSik

Can I somehow specify the signature algorithm for UA certificate generator?
The problem is when I use directory based certificate store, it creates certificate using sha256 algorithm, but when the store is registry based (Windows Certificates Store), it generates certificate using sha1, which is rejected by the server.

Best regards,
Last edit: 21 May 2020 08:59 by KrisSik.

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