Afther i try my C# application with QuickOPC License,
when i try to read single node, i obtains this error:
An OPC-UA operation failure with error ID '{359D9885}' occurred, originating from '' and with depth of 1. The inner exception, with error Id "{359D9885}", contains details about the problem.
my code:
PS: I have put licensefile .TXT in the application Resource and embedded it,
LicensingManagement.Instance.RegisterManagedResource("QuickOPC", "Multipurpose",Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "*.Key-*.*");
// Instantiate the client object, obtain the serial number from the license info, and display the serial number.
var client = new EasyUAClient();
long serialNumber = (uint)client.LicenseInfo["Multipurpose.SerialNumber"];
// it seem the Serial number in returnde variable serialNumber is good, like 199912345678
I try to read node:
public static bool IsMachineConnectedToNode()
// determina se l'OPC della macchina è raggiungibile e leggibile
bool isConnected = true;
UAEndpointDescriptor UaEndpointDescriptor = Vr.OpcServerEndpoint;
UANodeDescriptor UaNodeDescriptor = Vr.OpcServerNode;
using (var client = new EasyUAClient())
var readValue = client.ReadValue(UaEndpointDescriptor, UaNodeDescriptor);
catch (Exception ex)
Fx.WriteLog("!!!--> ERRORE CONNESSIONE MACCHINA: " + ex.Message.ToString());
isConnected = false;
return isConnected;
Can someone help me please?