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Retrieve information about mapping from DAClientMapper
But you probably wanted it with less coding - the way you suggested in your pseudo-code.
With some simplification, the browse path of the property is, actually, the browse path of the parent, combined with the name of the property. Therefore you can just take the parent browse path and add a "/" and a name of the property to it, and you are done.
The simplification lies in the fact that you can specify an OPC browse name for the property that is differ from its C# name, or even a completely different browse path or use an Item ID etc.
The resolution from a parent node descriptor to the one that relates to the specific mapped member is done by a method that is, unfortunately, 'private', on the DAMappingContext object. It may help you to show how it looks like:
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- miron
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below you can find ilustration of idea:
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Thank you.
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- miron
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protected override DAFolderMapping CreateFolderMapping(AbstractMapping parent, DAFolderAttribute folderAttribute);
protected override DAFolderSource CreateFolderSource(DAMappingContext mappingContext, DAMemberMappingDefinition memberMappingDefinition);
protected override DAItemMapping CreateItemMapping(AbstractMapping parent, DAItemAttribute itemAttribute);
protected override DAItemSource CreateItemSource(DAMappingContext mappingContext, DAMemberMappingDefinition memberMappingDefinition);
protected override DAPropertyMapping CreatePropertyMapping(AbstractMapping parent, DAPropertyAttribute propertyAttribute);
protected override DAPropertySource CreatePropertySource(DAMappingContext mappingContext, DAMemberMappingDefinition memberMappingDefinition);
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- miron
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- Visitor
Hi I could retrieve information about mapping from DAClientMapper?
I mean mapping for give property type.
Thant means it should exists possibility to get this information by property info.
And it is necessary to obtain full, resolved browse path.
I am consider to automatically generation configuration for OPC Server by using reflection.
Thank you.
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