we have aWindows Server 2019 where is running a VB6 service (let me name it MES service that use VB6-COm EasyOPC with registered licence) that is in execution to read and write values from production machines OPC-UA.
Issue: from last weekend after a server restart generates when I try to read values in my log file the result recorded is "Error -2146232832" instead of the values readout as ever.
The customer technician told me that no update, no changes at all was done on it.
Here simply instructions to read values from PLC of production machine, that we use in the VB6-COM MES service, that was running fine before server restart:
Dim Client As New EasyUAClient
ServerOPCUA$ = "opc.tcp://" & Trim(RsDispositivi("IP_Dispositivo")) & ":4840"
Actual$= "ns=2;s=Coiler.Global_OPCUA.OPC_udiTotalActualPcs"
NrAttuali = Client.ReadValue(ServerOPCUA$, Actual$)
What is strange is that beside when we Write values to PLC, no problem, all commands doesn't generate any error, here the syntax we use:
Call Client.WriteValue(ServerOPCUA$, txtChat$, valore$)
Doing a search by google I found this document:
where you can find HResult: -2146232832 (0x80131600)
Any suggestions to find out the reason why?
Which kind of additional parameter can I use to better debug the problem?