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There Isn’t Enough Memory To Perform This Operation Error In Access
The error is 0x8007000E, E_OUTOFMEMORY.
As the error text implies, it can be caused by low memory conditions. I think I have seen this error also when *other* system resources were missing, such as disk space, system handles, USER or GDI objects, or certainly when too many threads are created in the process.
Can you please check all these kinds of resources during the lifetime of the process (whether they do not "leak"), and at the moment the error appears? You can use Task Manager, or even better, PerfMon.
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Its the member "ErrorMessage" in the result structure which includes:
"Not enough storage is available to complete this Operation"
The member "Exception.Source" of the same result structure holds the string:
Thanks for your help.
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If so, can you please examine what is in the Source property of that Exception? That should help us determining where is the origin of the error.
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The Problem seems to occure, after a Long time nothing has been done on the opc Connection. Maybe any timeout Problem.
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Both possibilities you have mentioned are possible. The error can be reported by the server itself, and QuickOPC may just be transferring it to your program. Or, less likely, it may have its origin in QuickOPC (= client side) itself.
Please tell me which programming language or tool you are using, so that I can give you proper instructions for further troubleshooting.
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Has anybody an idea where this come from?
Is it a fault indicating an error on the client side (I am using QuickOPC to connect to an OPC server from another vendor) or comes the error message from the opc-server.
Thanks for your help.
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I get this message in the result structure after calling the function "WriteMultipleItemValues".
Does anyone have an idea how to avoid this problem?
Thanks for your help,
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