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How to Decode the DAVtq ?
'OPCClient.VAQ' ⎕wi 'properties'
children class clsid data def description errorcode errormessage events instance interface links methods modified modifystop name obj opened pending progid properties self state suppress version xQuality xTimestamp xValue
So xQuality, xTimestamp and xValue should be available to interrogate but it is not working. I never used before the greater than sign '>' (as suggested in the documentation to resolve ambiguous call to a property), usually if it appears in the list of properties it is working.
I will continue my readings and experimentations.
Thanks for your help
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What about the hint contained in the error message:
Use are using ">" - what are the others for?use ">", "<", or "@" to request proper invocation
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Thanks again for your help.
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This is how the IDAVtq is actually declared in our code:
Isn't there a separate, different syntax in your language to access the properties?
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'OPCClient' ⎕WI 'XReadItem > .VAQ' '' 'OPCLabs.KitServer.2' 'Demo.Ramp'
The following 3 methods are working:
'OPCClient.VAQ' ⎕wi 'XHasValue'
'OPCClient.VAQ' ⎕wi 'XDisplayValue'
'OPCClient.VAQ' ⎕wi 'XToString'
-2.6082706451416 {VARTYPE(5)} @07-Nov-14 10:59:24 AM; OPCQUALITY(192)
However the following 3 properties are not working:
'OPCClient.VAQ' ⎕wi 'xValue'
⎕WI ACTION ERROR: Ambiguous invocation: use ">", "<", or "@" to request proper invocation
'OPCClient.VAQ' ⎕wi 'xValue >'
'OPCClient.VAQ' ⎕wi 'xTimestamp >'
'OPCClient.VAQ' ⎕wi 'xQuality >'
The XDisplayValue is returning the proper value but in characters. It is easy to convert it to a numerical value but would prefer to use the xValue property. Any idea that could help ?
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I think the issue may come from the fact that in the interface, the result is typed as a generic VARIANT, and not IDAVtq. This is intentional, because some tools (namely, VBScript) cannot work with anything else. In addition, many tools use late-binding, meaning that you can take the returned object, specify a property on it, and it will see that the VARIANT contains IDispatch and it will use the type library/IDispatch to figure it all out.
Yours may be one of the tools that do not do this, and in these cases it is necessary to have some language construct that specifies that the returned value, while declared as VARIANT, is supposed to actually contain an IDAVtq pointer. Not knowing your language, I cannot currently tell how this is done. Is there any documentation describing the COM interoperability aspects of the language that I can look at?
Best regards
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Thanks in advance.
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If you are not seeing these objects, but a number instead, I think there is something done wrong on the consuming side of things.
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Question 1: Is this number the numerical representation of the DAVtq ?
Question 2: In the affirmative how to 'decode' this numeric DAVtq to obtain the Value, Time and Quality ?
Thanks in advance.
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