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Delphi / C++ Builder

08 Jul 2014 16:56 #2059 by support
Replied by support on topic Delphi / C++ Builder
Dear Sir,

I am glad that it works now.

Regarding the wrapper: there is a whole chapter on it in the Concepts document, please read it first.

Best regards

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08 Jul 2014 07:13 #2058 by ps_dk
Replied by ps_dk on topic Delphi / C++ Builder

I think I found a solution for the "Class not registered" error.
The error disappeared after I installed the complete package again.
Now am I able to use the ReadItemValue example both in Delphi and C++.

Regarding the UA wrapper. Can you tell me more about it.
- Where do I find it? (I have searched your homepage without much luck)
- How do I install it?
- Is there an example on how to use it?

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07 Jul 2014 19:29 #2057 by ps_dk
Replied by ps_dk on topic Delphi / C++ Builder

Sorry for the late answer.

I am using the latest version 5.30. (File version 5.30.1114.1)

My system is Windows 7 (86 bit version) and using Rad studio 2007

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01 Jul 2014 18:15 #2052 by support
Replied by support on topic Delphi / C++ Builder
Yes, you can connect to UA servers using the COM component of QuickOPC. But it is achieved by using a wrapper from OPC foundation, supplied with the product.

This is quite different from the native OPC UA support in our .NET component.

Which precise version and build are you using? Is it the latest?

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30 Jun 2014 12:38 - 30 Jun 2014 12:39 #2051 by ps_dk
Replied by ps_dk on topic Delphi / C++ Builder
Hi Thanks for the quick response.

1. It is not working. Nothing happens when I click on it. Not even a window appears.
2. It is running as a 32 bit process.
3. It is already a 32 bit program so it does not need to be rebuild.

Regarding related info.

A. It could well be when the connection to the component is established that the error occures. What can I do to help fixing it?

B. I do not understand that the com does not support OPC-UA. It is clearly states that it now can connect to OPC IA servers on your homepage under OPC development on COM platform.

Please see the yellow highlights with news:
Last edit: 30 Jun 2014 12:39 by ps_dk.

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30 Jun 2014 12:20 #2050 by support
Replied by support on topic Delphi / C++ Builder

1. There is a COM-based demo app (executable), available from the Start menu. Can you please tell me if it works or not.

2. Is you Delphi application running as 32-bit process, or 64-bit process?

3. If it is running as 64-bit process, can you rebuild it as 32-bit process and try again?

Some related information:

A. {F1B8E6D7-955F-4C12-A015-9EF6282F73CC} is a CLSID of the EasyOPC COM component itself, not of the OPC server. I would expect that you get this error at the line where the component instance is created, and NOT a bit later, in the ReadXXXX call.

B. For OPC-UA, we currently do not have a type library with a COM-based component. But we are working on it, with release probably in the fall of this year.

Best regards

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30 Jun 2014 10:55 #2049 by ps_dk
Delphi / C++ Builder was created by ps_dk

I have tried to install the QuickOPC COM in Raid Studio 2007 so that I can try the new UA features.

I succeeded in importing the component via the "Import component" -> "Import a Type Library" function.
It worked without much problems in Delphi. It created two components: TEasyDACLient and TEasyAEClient.

I then created the simple direct readItemValue example (In delphi) and comiled it without problems.

It is a simple program with one button and a label:

Label1.Caption := EasyDAClient1.ReadItemValue('', 'OPCLabs.KitServer.2','Demo.Single');

But when I run the program and execute the ReadItemValue function crashes the program with the folowing error:

Class not registered, ClassId: {F1B8E6D7-955F-4C12-A015-9EF6282F73CC}

As far as I can see is the Kit server running but I can not test it with the EasyOPCDemo that is inlcuded in the 5.3 package, Since this demo can not start. (Nothing happens when I try to run the program)

Is there anyone that can help me solving this error.

I have installed the latest QuickOPC kit 5.3 and is running on a Windows 7 64 bit platform.

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