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Browsing OPC UA servers with multi select - Getting the NodeElement Brows names

23 Nov 2020 16:33 #9221 by support
Add .Name to the end of your statement. So it would be something like
szDisplayName = values(i).BrowsePath.GetLastElement().TargetName.Name
The browse name in OPC UA is a qualified name, so it also contains the namespace (in this sense, it is similar to node Ids, except that the browse name does not have 4 identifier types, besides the namespace there is always just a name part which is always a string).

So what you've get from .TargetName is UAQualifiedName class. And when you get a string from it will convert to its full string representation.
If you want just parts of it, you can use .Name, .NamespaceUri, or .NamespaceIndex - this is very similar to UA node IDs too.'s...e.UAQualifiedName_members.html

A bit of warning: It is possible that you are mixing up some terms here.
Your original question was about the browse name, and that is what I am answering.

But the name of your variable is "szDisplayName". You should be aware the in OPC UA, display name is not the same thing as browse name (although it is not uncommon that the display name is the same as the name part of the browse name).

The difference between the two can be put shortly like this: Browse names are for computers, display names are for humans.

Best regards
The following user(s) said Thank You: micham

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23 Nov 2020 16:07 #9220 by micham

Thank you for your answer. When I use:
szDisplayName = values(i).BrowsePath.GetLastElement().TargetName

I get that szDisplayName is equal to "nsu= ;ns=4;s=ControlOut"

What I need is just "ControlOut". Can I get just this?

Thank you.


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23 Nov 2020 10:36 #9218 by support
There are two approaches to do this.

One of them is actually similar to what you have hinted to in your picture. Upon output from multi-select UADataDialog, both NodeDescriptors and NodeElements arrays are filled in. And, they use have the same indexes (so, in VB.NET, NodeDescriptors(0) corresponds to NodeElements(0) etc.). For an index i, you can get the browse name using NodeElements(i).BrowseName.

The second approach uses the fact that upon output from UADataDialog, each NodeDescriptor contains not just the Node ID but also the browse path, and the last element in the browse path contains the browse name of the node (if the browse path is not empty). So, for an index i, you can get the browse name using NodeDescriptors(i).BrowsePath.GetLastElement().TargetName.

Best regards

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23 Nov 2020 06:36 #9217 by micham
I need to get the NodeElement Browse Names when multiselct = True.

I need something similar to:
values = uaDataDialog1.NodeDescriptors
but for the Browse names.

Thank you.


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