OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
UAEventFilterBuilder Class
Members  Example 

OpcLabs.EasyOpcUA Assembly > OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA Namespace : UAEventFilterBuilder Class
The builder for event filter.
Public NotInheritable Class UAEventFilterBuilder 
   Implements OpcLabs.BaseLib.Collections.Generic.INonNullEnumerable(Of UAAttributeField), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UAAttributeField), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T), System.Collections.IEnumerable 
Dim instance As UAEventFilterBuilder
public sealed class UAEventFilterBuilder : OpcLabs.BaseLib.Collections.Generic.INonNullEnumerable<UAAttributeField>, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<UAAttributeField>, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>, System.Collections.IEnumerable  
public ref class UAEventFilterBuilder sealed : public OpcLabs.BaseLib.Collections.Generic.INonNullEnumerable<UAAttributeField>, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<UAAttributeField>, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>, System.Collections.IEnumerable  
Instances of this builder can be implicitly converted to the event filter itself. This class exists primarily to get around XML and data contract serialization issue with collection-like classes.


The UAEventFilter object (used for specifying the event filters) is probably the most complicated part of the OPC UA Alarms & Condition features. It has two main parts: Select clauses (contained in the SelectClauses property, of UAAttributeFieldCollection type), and a Where clause (contained in the WhereClause property, of UAContentFilterElement type). The Select clauses contain a collection of the attribute fields to return with each event in a notification. The Where clause contains the criteria limiting the notifications.

In order to make the creation of some event filters appear shorter in the code, a UAEventFilterBuilder class is provided. Instances of this builder can be implicitly converted to the event filter itself (hence you can create just the UAEventFilterBuilder objects, and use them at all places where the UAEventFilter object is expected). The builder contains a Where clause, and is a collection of Select clauses. You can therefore use the C# collection initializer to specify the Select clauses.

In COM (tools like VB6, Delphi etc.), creation of OPC UA Event Filters requires longer code. For related information, see http://kb.opclabs.com/Creating_an_OPC_UA_event_filter_in_COM .




// This example shows how to specify criteria for event notifications.
// Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html .

using System;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.AddressSpace;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.AddressSpace.Standard;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.AlarmsAndConditions;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Filtering;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel;

namespace UADocExamples.AlarmsAndConditions
    class WhereClause
        public static void Main1()
            UAEndpointDescriptor endpointDescriptor =

            // Instantiate the client object and hook events.
            var client = new EasyUAClient();
            client.EventNotification += client_EventNotification;

                new UAEventFilterBuilder(
                    // Either the severity is >= 500, or the event comes from a specified source node
                        UAFilterElements.GreaterThanOrEqual(UABaseEventObject.Operands.Severity, 500),
                            new UANodeId("nsu=http://opcfoundation.org/Quickstarts/AlarmCondition ;ns=2;s=1:Metals/SouthMotor"))),

            Console.WriteLine("Processing event notifications for 30 seconds...");
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(30 * 1000);


            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for 5 seconds...");
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000);


        static void client_EventNotification(object sender, EasyUAEventNotificationEventArgs e)
            // Display the event.

        // Example output:
        //Processing event notifications for 30 seconds...
        //[] Success
        //[] Success; Refresh; RefreshInitiated
        //[] Success; Refresh; [SouthMotor] 100! {DialogConditionType} "The dialog was activated" @9/9/2021 2:22:18 PM (10 fields)
        //[] Success; Refresh; [SouthMotor] 700! {ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/22/2021 7:17:59 AM (10 fields)
        //[] Success; Refresh; [SouthMotor] 900! {NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/22/2021 7:17:57 AM (10 fields)
        //[] Success; Refresh; [SouthMotor] 100! {TripAlarmType} "The alarm is active." @9/22/2021 7:17:59 AM (10 fields)
        //[] Success; Refresh; [SouthMotor] 100! {TripAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/9/2021 3:39:51 PM (10 fields)
        //[] Success; Refresh; [SouthMotor] 100! {TripAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/9/2021 3:38:57 PM (10 fields)
        //[] Success; Refresh; RefreshComplete
        //[] Success; [SouthMotor] 100! {NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType} "The alarm was deactivated by the system." @9/22/2021 7:18:05 AM (10 fields)
        //[] Success; [SouthMotor] 300! {TripAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/22/2021 7:18:08 AM (10 fields)
        //[] Success; [SouthMotor] 900! {ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/22/2021 7:18:10 AM (10 fields)
        //[] Success; [SouthMotor] 100! {NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType} "The alarm is active." @9/22/2021 7:18:13 AM (10 fields)
        //[] Success; [SouthMotor] 500! {TripAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/22/2021 7:18:17 AM (10 fields)
        //[] Success; [SouthMotor] 100! {ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType} "The alarm was deactivated by the system." @9/22/2021 7:18:21 AM (10 fields)
        //[] Success; [SouthMotor] 300! {NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/22/2021 7:18:21 AM (10 fields)
        //[] Success; [SouthMotor] 700! {TripAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/22/2021 7:18:26 AM (10 fields)
        //[] Success; [SouthMotor] 500! {NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/22/2021 7:18:29 AM (10 fields)
        //[] Success; [SouthMotor] 100! {ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType} "The alarm is active." @9/22/2021 7:18:32 AM (10 fields)
        //Waiting for 5 seconds...
# This example shows how to specify criteria for event notifications.
# Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html .

#requires -Version 5.1
using namespace OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA
using namespace OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.AddressSpace
using namespace OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.AddressSpace.Standard

# The path below assumes that the current directory is [ProductDir]/Examples-NET/PowerShell/Windows .
Add-Type -Path "../../../Components/Opclabs.QuickOpc/net472/OpcLabs.EasyOpcUA.dll"
Add-Type -Path "../../../Components/Opclabs.QuickOpc/net472/OpcLabs.EasyOpcUAComponents.dll"

# Define which server we will work with.
[UAEndpointDescriptor]$endpointDescriptor = "opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com:62544/Quickstarts/AlarmConditionServer"

# Instantiate the client object.
$client = New-Object EasyUAClient

# Event notification handler
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $client -EventName EventNotification -Action { 
    # Display the event.
    Write-Host $EventArgs

Write-Host "Subscribing..."
    [UAEventFilter](New-Object UAEventFilterBuilder(
            (New-Object UANodeId("nsu=http://opcfoundation.org/Quickstarts/AlarmCondition ;ns=2;s=1:Metals/SouthMotor"))),

Write-Host "Processing event notifications for 30 seconds..."
$stopwatch =  [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() 
while ($stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt 30) {    
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

Write-Host "Unsubscribing..."

Write-Host "Waiting for 5 seconds..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

Write-Host "Finished."

# Example output:
#Processing event notifications for 30 seconds...
#[] Success
#[] Success; Refresh; RefreshInitiated
#[] Success; Refresh; [SouthMotor] 100! {DialogConditionType} "The dialog was activated" @9/9/2021 2:22:18 PM (10 fields)
#[] Success; Refresh; [SouthMotor] 700! {ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/22/2021 7:17:59 AM (10 fields)
#[] Success; Refresh; [SouthMotor] 900! {NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/22/2021 7:17:57 AM (10 fields)
#[] Success; Refresh; [SouthMotor] 100! {TripAlarmType} "The alarm is active." @9/22/2021 7:17:59 AM (10 fields)
#[] Success; Refresh; [SouthMotor] 100! {TripAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/9/2021 3:39:51 PM (10 fields)
#[] Success; Refresh; [SouthMotor] 100! {TripAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/9/2021 3:38:57 PM (10 fields)
#[] Success; Refresh; RefreshComplete
#[] Success; [SouthMotor] 100! {NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType} "The alarm was deactivated by the system." @9/22/2021 7:18:05 AM (10 fields)
#[] Success; [SouthMotor] 300! {TripAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/22/2021 7:18:08 AM (10 fields)
#[] Success; [SouthMotor] 900! {ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/22/2021 7:18:10 AM (10 fields)
#[] Success; [SouthMotor] 100! {NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType} "The alarm is active." @9/22/2021 7:18:13 AM (10 fields)
#[] Success; [SouthMotor] 500! {TripAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/22/2021 7:18:17 AM (10 fields)
#[] Success; [SouthMotor] 100! {ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType} "The alarm was deactivated by the system." @9/22/2021 7:18:21 AM (10 fields)
#[] Success; [SouthMotor] 300! {NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/22/2021 7:18:21 AM (10 fields)
#[] Success; [SouthMotor] 700! {TripAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/22/2021 7:18:26 AM (10 fields)
#[] Success; [SouthMotor] 500! {NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType} "The alarm severity has increased." @9/22/2021 7:18:29 AM (10 fields)
#[] Success; [SouthMotor] 100! {ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType} "The alarm is active." @9/22/2021 7:18:32 AM (10 fields)
#Waiting for 5 seconds...
# This example shows how to specify criteria for event notifications.
# Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html .
# OPC client and subscriber examples in Python on GitHub: https://github.com/OPCLabs/Examples-QuickOPC-Python .
# The QuickOPC package is needed. Install it using "pip install opclabs_quickopc".
import opclabs_quickopc
import time

# Import .NET namespaces.
from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA import *
from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.AddressSpace import *
from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.AddressSpace.Standard import *
from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.AlarmsAndConditions import *
from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Filtering import *
from OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel import *

def eventNotification(sender, eventArgs):
    # Display the event.

# Define which server we will work with.
endpointDescriptor = UAEndpointDescriptor('opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com:62544/Quickstarts/AlarmConditionServer')

# Instantiate the client object and hook events.
client = EasyUAClient()
client.EventNotification += eventNotification


eventFilterBuilder = UAEventFilterBuilder(
    # Either the severity is >= 500, or the event comes from a specified source node.
        UAFilterElements.GreaterThanOrEqual(UABaseEventObject.Operands.Severity, 500),
            UANodeId('nsu=http://opcfoundation.org/Quickstarts/AlarmCondition ;ns=2;s=1:Metals/SouthMotor'))),


print('Processing event notifications for 30 seconds...')


print('Waiting for 5 seconds...')

' This example shows how to specify criteria for event notifications.
' Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html .

Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA
Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.AddressSpace
Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.AddressSpace.Standard
Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.AlarmsAndConditions
Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Filtering
Imports OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel

Namespace AlarmsAndConditions
    Friend Class WhereClause
        Public Shared Sub Main1()
            ' Instantiate the client object and hook events
            Dim client = New EasyUAClient()
            AddHandler client.EventNotification, AddressOf client_EventNotification

            ' Either the severity is >= 500, or the event comes from a specified source node
            client.SubscribeEvent( _
                "opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com:62544/Quickstarts/AlarmConditionServer", _
                UAObjectIds.Server, _
                1000, _
                New UAEventFilterBuilder( _
                    UAFilterElements.Or( _
                        UAFilterElements.GreaterThanOrEqual(UABaseEventObject.Operands.Severity, 500),
                        UAFilterElements.Equals( _
                            New UANodeId("nsu=http://opcfoundation.org/Quickstarts/AlarmCondition ;ns=2;s=1:Metals/SouthMotor"))),

            Console.WriteLine("Processing event notifications for 30 seconds...")
            Threading.Thread.Sleep(30 * 1000)


            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for 5 seconds...")
            Threading.Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000)
        End Sub

        Private Shared Sub client_EventNotification(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EasyUAEventNotificationEventArgs)
            ' Display the event
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: .NET Framework: Windows 10 (selected versions), Windows 11 (selected versions), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2022; .NET: Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows

See Also