QuickOPC User's Guide and Reference
Unsubscribing from OPC UA Events
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Development Models > Imperative Programming Model > Imperative Programming Model for OPC UA Alarms & Conditions > Subscribing to Information (OPC UA Alarms & Conditions) > Unsubscribing from OPC UA Events

If you no longer want to receive event notifications, you need to unsubscribe from them. To unsubscribe from a single monitored item, call the UnsubscribeMonitoredItem method, passing it the (event) subscription handle. To unsubscribe from events in an efficient manner, call the UnsubscribeMultipleMonitoredItems method (instead of calling UnsubscribeMonitoredItem in a loop), passing it an array of (event) subscription handles.

You can unsubscribe from all monitored items you have previously subscribed to (on the same instance of EasyUAClient object) by calling the UnsubscribeAllMonitoredItems method.

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