OPC Labs EasyOPC-UA Library
UAPubSubHeader Interface Members
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OpcLabs_EasyOpcUA ActiveX DLL > UADataSetHeader Object : UAPubSubHeader Interface
Contains header information of the received PubSub message.


IID (Interface ID): 34c0b10d-c825-4302-9b07-f9facec9cb90


For more information, see _UAPubSubHeader in .NET Reference.

Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see Clone in .NET Reference.

Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see CompareTo in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see Equals in .NET Reference.

Returns a hash code for the current object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see GetHashCode in .NET Reference.

Gets the Type of the current instance.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see GetType in .NET Reference.

Sets the origin of the dataset (the type and semantics depend on the transport used).


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see SetOrigin in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the data is compressed.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see Compressed in .NET Reference.

Version information about the configuration of the dataset metadata.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see ConfigurationVersion in .NET Reference.

The globally unique identifier of the class of the dataset.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see DataSetClassId in .NET Reference.

The globally unique identifier of the class of the dataset, expressed as a string.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see DataSetClassIdString in .NET Reference.

Identifies the dataset writer.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see DataSetWriterId in .NET Reference.

The name of the dataset writer.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see DataSetWriterName in .NET Reference.

The display string for the current object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID): 0


For more information, see ToString in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the data is encrypted.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see Encrypted in .NET Reference.

Determines whether there is a (non-null) configuration version in the dataset.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see HasConfigurationVersion in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the dataset class Id is included in the dataset data.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see HasDataSetClassId in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the dataset writer Id is included in the dataset data.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see HasDataSetWriterId in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the dataset writer name is included in the dataset data.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see HasDataSetWriterName in .NET Reference.

Determines whether dataset origin is present.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see HasOrigin in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the publisher Id is included in the dataset data.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see HasPublisherId in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the writer group Id is included in the dataset data.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see HasWriterGroupId in .NET Reference.

The name of the message mapping, if known.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see MessageMappingName in .NET Reference.

Indicates the origin of the dataset (the type and semantics depend on the transport used).


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see Origin in .NET Reference.

Identifies the publisher.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see PublisherId in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the dataset message is retained by the server.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see Retain in .NET Reference.

Determines whether the data is signed.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see Signed in .NET Reference.

Returns a string that represents the current object.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see ToString in .NET Reference.

The name of the transport mapping, if known.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see TransportMappingName in .NET Reference.

Identifies the writer group.


DISPID (Dispatch ID):


For more information, see WriterGroupId in .NET Reference.


For remarks, see _UAPubSubHeader in .NET Reference.

See Also

UADataSetHeader Object