QuickOPC User's Guide and Reference
Installed Examples - Console - UAConsoleLiveMapping
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Creates an object structure for a boiler, describes its mapping into OPC Unified Architecture server using attributes, and then performs the live mapping. Boiler data is then read, written and/or subscribed to using plain .NET object access..

The main program:

// UAConsoleLiveMapping: Creates an object structure for a boiler, describes its mapping into OPC Unified Architecture server 
// using attributes, and then performs the live mapping. Boiler data is then read, written and/or subscribed to using plain .NET 
// object access.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.LiveMapping;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.LiveMapping.Extensions;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Navigation;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel;

namespace UAConsoleLiveMapping
    class Program
        static void Main()
            // the OPC server
            UAEndpointDescriptor endpointDescriptor =
            // or "http://opcua.demo-this.com:51211/UA/SampleServer" (currently not supported)
            // or "https://opcua.demo-this.com:51212/UA/SampleServer/"
            Console.WriteLine("Mapping our data structures to OPC...");
            var mapper = new UAClientMapper();
            var boiler1 = new Boiler();
            mapper.Map(boiler1, new UAMappingContext
                EndpointDescriptor = endpointDescriptor,   
                // The NodeDescriptor below determines where in the OPC address space we want to map our data to.
                NodeDescriptor = new UANodeDescriptor
                        // '#' is a reserved character in a browse name, and must be escaped by '&' in the path below.
                        BrowsePath = UABrowsePath.Parse("[ObjectsFolder]/Boilers/Boiler &#1", "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/Boiler/")
                MonitoringParameters = 1000,  // requested sampling interval (for subscriptions)

            Console.WriteLine("Starting the simulation of the boiler in the server, using an OPC method call...");
            // Currently there is no live mapping for OPC methods, therefore we call the OPC method in a traditional way.
                    UABrowsePath.Parse("[ObjectsFolder]/Boilers/Boiler &#1/Simulation", "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/Boiler/"),
                    UABrowsePath.Parse("[nsu=http://opcfoundation.org/UA/Boiler/;i=1287].Start", "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/"));
            catch (UAException)
                // Production code would test the current state of the simulation first, and also handle the exception here.

            Console.WriteLine("Reading all data of the boiler...");
            Console.WriteLine($"Drum level is: {boiler1.Drum.LevelIndicator.Output}");

            Console.WriteLine("Writing new setpoint value...");
            boiler1.LevelController.SetPoint = 50.0;
            Debug.Assert(!(boiler1.LevelController is null));
            mapper.WriteTarget(boiler1.LevelController, /*recurse:*/false);

            Console.WriteLine("Subscribing to boiler data changes...");

            Thread.Sleep(30 * 1000);

            Console.WriteLine("Unsubscribing from boiler data changes...");

            Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to continue...");


The Boiler class:

using System;
using OpcLabs.BaseLib.LiveMapping;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.LiveMapping;

namespace UAConsoleLiveMapping
    // The Boiler and its constituents are described in our application domain terms, the way we want to work with them.
    // Attributes are used to describe the correspondence between our types and members, and OPC nodes.

    // This is how the boiler looks in OPC address space:
    //  - Boiler #1
    //      - CC1001                    (CustomController)
    //          - ControlOut
    //          - Description
    //          - Input1
    //          - Input2
    //          - Input3
    //      - Drum1001                  (BoilerDrum)
    //          - LIX001                (LevelIndicator)
    //              - Output
    //      - FC1001                    (FlowController)
    //          - ControlOut
    //          - Measurement
    //          - SetPoint
    //      - LC1001                    (LevelController)
    //          - ControlOut
    //          - Measurement
    //          - SetPoint
    //      - Pipe1001                  (BoilerInputPipe)
    //          - FTX001                (FlowTransmitter)
    //              - Output
    //      - Pipe1002                  (BoilerOutputPipe)
    //          - FTX002                (FlowTransmitter)
    //              - Output

    class Boiler
        // Specifying BrowsePath-s here only because we have named the class members differently from OPC node names.

        [UANode(BrowsePath = "/PipeX001")]
        public BoilerInputPipe InputPipe = new BoilerInputPipe();

        [UANode(BrowsePath = "/DrumX001")]
        public BoilerDrum Drum = new BoilerDrum();

        [UANode(BrowsePath = "/PipeX002")]
        public BoilerOutputPipe OutputPipe = new BoilerOutputPipe();

        [UANode(BrowsePath = "/FCX001")]
        public FlowController FlowController = new FlowController();

        [UANode(BrowsePath = "/LCX001")]
        public LevelController LevelController = new LevelController();

        [UANode(BrowsePath = "/CCX001")]
        public CustomController CustomController = new CustomController();

    class BoilerInputPipe
        // Specifying BrowsePath-s here only because we have named the class members differently from OPC node names.

        [UANode(BrowsePath = "/FTX001")]
        public FlowTransmitter FlowTransmitter1 = new FlowTransmitter();

        [UANode(BrowsePath = "/ValveX001")]
        public Valve Valve = new Valve();

    class BoilerDrum
        // Specifying BrowsePath-s here only because we have named the class members differently from OPC node names.

        [UANode(BrowsePath = "/LIX001")]
        public LevelIndicator LevelIndicator = new LevelIndicator();

    class BoilerOutputPipe
        // Specifying BrowsePath-s here only because we have named the class members differently from OPC node names.

        [UANode(BrowsePath = "/FTX002")]
        public FlowTransmitter FlowTransmitter2 = new FlowTransmitter();

    class FlowController : GenericController

    class LevelController : GenericController

    class CustomController
        [UANode, UAData(Operations = UADataMappingOperations.Write)]    // not readable
        public double Input1 { get; set; }

        [UANode, UAData(Operations = UADataMappingOperations.Write)]    // not readable
        public double Input2 { get; set; }

        [UANode, UAData(Operations = UADataMappingOperations.Write)]    // not readable
        public double Input3 { get; set; }

        [UANode, UAData(Operations = UADataMappingOperations.ReadAndSubscribe)] // no OPC writing
        public double ControlOut { get; set; }

        [UANode, UAData]
        public string Description { get; set; }

    class FlowTransmitter : GenericSensor

    class Valve : GenericActuator

    class LevelIndicator : GenericSensor

    class GenericController
        [UANode, UAData(Operations = UADataMappingOperations.ReadAndSubscribe)] // no OPC writing
        public double Measurement { get; set; }

        [UANode, UAData]
        public double SetPoint { get; set; }

        [UANode, UAData(Operations = UADataMappingOperations.ReadAndSubscribe)] // no OPC writing
        public double ControlOut { get; set; }

    class GenericSensor
        // Meta-members are filled in by information collected during mapping, and allow access to it later from your code.
        // Alternatively, you can derive your class from UAMappedNode, which will bring in many meta-members automatically.
        public UANodeDescriptor NodeDescriptor { get; set; }

        [UANode, UAData(Operations = UADataMappingOperations.ReadAndSubscribe)] // no OPC writing
        public double Output
            get => _output;
                _output = value;
                Console.WriteLine($"Sensor \"{NodeDescriptor}\" output is now {value}.");

        private double _output;

    class GenericActuator
        [UANode, UAData(Operations = UADataMappingOperations.Write)]    // generic actuator input is not readable
        public double Input { get; set; }


See Also
