QuickOPC User's Guide and Reference
Examples - OPC UA File Providers - Get file properties
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The example below shows how to get OPC UA file properties (such as its size or last modified time), using the file provider model.

// Shows how to get OPC UA file properties (such as its size or last modified time), using the file provider model.

using System;
using OpcLabs.BaseLib.Extensions.FileProviders;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.FileTransfer;

namespace UADocExamples.FileProviders._FileInfo2
    class Properties
        public static void Main1()
            // Unified Automation .NET based demo server (UaNETServer/UaServerNET.exe)
            UAEndpointDescriptor endpointDescriptor = "opc.tcp://localhost:48030";

            // A node that represents an instance of OPC UA FileType object.
            UANodeDescriptor fileNodeDescriptor = "nsu=http://www.unifiedautomation.com/DemoServer/ ;s=Demo.Files.TextFile";
            // Instantiate the file transfer client object
            var fileTransferClient = new EasyUAFileTransferClient();

            Console.WriteLine("Getting file info...");
            IFileInfo2 fileInfo2 = fileTransferClient.GetFileInfo2(endpointDescriptor, fileNodeDescriptor);
            // From this point onwards, the code is independent of the concrete realization of the file provider, and would
            // be identical e.g. for files in the physical file system, if the corresponding file provider was used.

            // Get properties of a specified file.
            Console.WriteLine("Getting file properties...");
                // Display result
                Console.WriteLine($"Exists: {fileInfo2.Exists}");
                Console.WriteLine($"IsDirectory: {fileInfo2.IsDirectory}");
                Console.WriteLine($"LastModified: {fileInfo2.LastModified}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Length: {fileInfo2.Length}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Name: {fileInfo2.Name}");
                Console.WriteLine($"PhysicalPath: {fileInfo2.PhysicalPath}");
            // Methods in the file provider model throw IOException and other exceptions, but not UAException.
            catch (Exception exception)
                Console.WriteLine($"*** Failure: {exception.GetBaseException().Message}");



See Also

Examples - OPC UA File Transfer
