OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
Usage Guidelines (Live Binding)
Client and Subscriber Development > Development Models > Live Binding Model > Live Binding Model for OPC Data (Classic and UA) > Live Binding Details > Usage Guidelines (Live Binding)
In This Topic

Configuration and Programming

Below are some pieces of advice that may help you configure and use the live binding properly:

Combination with Imperative Programming Model

For more advanced tasks, you may want to combine the Live Binding model with the Imperative Programming Model. Such combination is perfectly possible and supported.

When doing so, consider the fact that Live Binding uses its own, "isolated" client objects (such as EasyDAClient or EasyUAClient). When you create instances of the client objects in your own code, your code will have separate connections (sessions) from those used in the Live Binding. This may be fine, but can cause issues in some cases (e.g. when the target OPC Server is an embedded server with limited number of concurrent sessions).

In order to prevent this from happening, you can "borrow" the client object from the Live Binding, and use it in your code. To do so, call the GetClient methods on the DAConnectivity or UAConnectivity component that you already have for the Live Binding. The method returns an IEasyDAClient (or IEasyUAClient) interface, and you can use it to perform any necessary operations through imperative programming.

See Also