OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
_EasyUADataChangeNotificationEventArgs Interface Members
Properties  Methods 

OpcLabs.EasyOpcUA Assembly > OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel.ComTypes Namespace : _EasyUADataChangeNotificationEventArgs Interface

The following tables list the members exposed by _EasyUADataChangeNotificationEventArgs.

Public Properties
 PropertyHolds arguments that were used to subscribe to a monitored item in an OPC-UA server.  
 PropertyAttribute data: the value of an attribute, together with status code and timestamps.  
 PropertyDiagnostics information (such as warnings) assembled during the operation.  
 PropertyCount of diagnostic information elements assembled during the operation.  
 PropertyTextual summary of diagnostics information, one message per line.  
 PropertyThe display string for the current object.  
 PropertyGets or sets the error ID of the error.  
 PropertyGets or sets a message that describes the current exception.  
 PropertyThe first line of the error message.  
 PropertyGets the current exception. Contains null reference when no exception.  
 PropertyA normalized OpcLabs.BaseLib.OperationModel.OperationEventArgs.Diagnostics collection.  
 PropertyA normalized OpcLabs.BaseLib.OperationModel.OperationEventArgs.Exception object, or null if there was no error.  
 PropertyBasic technology-independent status information. An enumeration of four mutually exclusive status codes (Unknown, Normal, Warning, Error).  
 PropertyGets indication whether the operation has succeeded.  
Public Methods
 MethodCreates a new object that is a memberwise copy of the current instance.  
 MethodReturns a long string representation of the current object.  
See Also


_EasyUADataChangeNotificationEventArgs Interface
OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel.ComTypes Namespace