OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
Live Point Data Commands
Tools and Online Services > Connectivity Explorer > Main Window and Its Parts > Live Point Data Window > Live Point Data Commands
In This Topic

Edit Menu

Copy Command

Copies the contents of the selected cells to clipboard. See Options Command for settings that influence how the copy is done. For example, dynamic cells can be copied in such a way that they continue showing dynamic information from the data source after being pasted to Excel.

You can also use Ctrl+C to invoke this command.

Delete Command

Deletes the selected rows from the grid. You can also use Del to invoke this command.

Select All Command

Selects all cells in the grid. You can also use Ctrl+A to invoke this command.

Select None Command

Empties the selection set in the grid. You can also use Ctrl+N to invoke this command.

View Menu

Customize Columns Command

The Customize Columns command allows you influence which columns are displayed in the grid, which information they contain and how they look like. For details, see Customize Columns Command.

Live Menu

Commands under this menu allow you to control what gets displayed in the Live Point Data window. For easy access, they are also grouped as toolbar buttons near the upper right corner of the main window.

Add Row Command

Adds a new row to the Live Point Data window, for point selected in the Point Editor Window and with parameters selected in the Parameters Editor Window. The command also automatically determines the columns needed to display the relevant aspects of the data, and adds missing columns to the Live Point Data grid as necessary.

The command is disabled when no point is selected in the Point Editor window.

Bulk Add Command

This command allows you to add many points at once. It invokes a point selection dialog with multi-select ability. Make your selection, and accept it in the dialog. All selected points will be added to the Live Point Data window. Each point will use parameters from the Parameters Editor window that correspond to its type.

Read Command

This command performs a Read operation on all currently selected rows (or rows that contain any selected cells, including the current cell). The Read is perfomed with parameters that are currently set for it in the Parameters Editor window.

Each row that was read stops displaying the information from Subscribe, and changes the font to bold. Use the Release (Esc) or Release All command to revert the current row, or all rows, back to normal state. This is done after you have viewed the results of the last Read operation and want to switch back to receiving updates from Subscribe.

You can also use Ctrl+R to invoke this command.

Write Command

This command performs a Write operation on all rows that are currently in a Write state (as indicated by bold italic font). A row enters the Write state when you start typing into any writable cell of it.

You can also use Ctrl+W to invoke this command.

The values you enter are, by default, parsed (evalued) before they are actually written. To configure this behavior differently, use the Options Command.

Release Command

Reverts the currently selected rows (or rows that contain any selected cells, including the current cell) back to the normal state, in which they display Subscribe updates.

Release All Command

Reverts all rows back to the normal state, in which they display Subscribe updates. You can also use Ctrl+E to invoke this command.

Online Command

This is a toggle command. In the "on" state (online), the Live Point Data window is connected to the data source, and shows live data. Subscriptions are performed in order to obtain the data from the data source. In the "off" state (offline). the Live Point Data window is not connected to the data source, and the latest obtained values are shown.

You can also use Ctrl+L to invoke this command.

The Online command does not influence the Point Editor window. It is therefore possible to make connections and browse the data in the Point Editor even when the status is "offline".


See Also