OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
The Mapper Object
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Concepts > QuickOPC Concepts > QuickOPC Development Models > Live Mapping Model > Live Mapping Model for OPC Data (Classic and UA) > The Mapper Object

The mapper object is at the center of the live mapping mode. You will typically use it for two main purposes:

  1. Establish the correspondences between the source OPC data, and you target .NET objects: see Mapping Your Objects.
  2. Perform various operations using the mappings established earlier: Invoking the Operations.

For mapping of OPC Data Access (OPC-DA) sources, the actual mapper class is DAClientMapper. You can create an instance of DAClientMapper simply by instantiating it with one of its constructor overloads. You can also use a static DAClientMapper.SharedInstance object and avoid the need of instantiation.

For mapping of OPC Unified Architecture (OPC-UA) sources, the actual mapper class is UAClientMapper. You can create an instance of UAClientMapper simply by instantiating it with one of its constructor overloads. You can also use a static UAClientMapper.SharedInstance object and avoid the need of instantiation.

See Also