OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
AENotificationObservable Constructor(EasyAEClientSelector,IAliasProvider,IEnumerable<AEEventsSubscriptionArguments>)

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OpcLabs.EasyOpcClassic Assembly > OpcLabs.EasyOpc.AlarmsAndEvents.Reactive Namespace > AENotificationObservable Class > AENotificationObservable Constructor : AENotificationObservable Constructor(EasyAEClientSelector,IAliasProvider,IEnumerable<AEEventsSubscriptionArguments>)
The selector of the client object that is used for OPC Alarms&Events operations.

The value of this parameter cannot be null (Nothing in Visual Basic).

The alias provider to be used for resolving aliases by this reactive object.

The value of this parameter cannot be null (Nothing in Visual Basic).

The OPC events to be observed.

The value of this parameter cannot be null (Nothing in Visual Basic).

Create a new instance of the notification observable, with specified client object selector, alias provider, and an enumerable containing the OPC events to be observed.


The selector of the client object that is used for OPC Alarms&Events operations.

The value of this parameter cannot be null (Nothing in Visual Basic).

The alias provider to be used for resolving aliases by this reactive object.

The value of this parameter cannot be null (Nothing in Visual Basic).

The OPC events to be observed.

The value of this parameter cannot be null (Nothing in Visual Basic).


Target Platforms: .NET Framework: Windows 10 (selected versions), Windows 11 (selected versions), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2022; .NET: Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows

See Also