- subpath
- Relative path that identifies the directory.
The value of this parameter can be
in Visual Basic).
Return Value
This method never returns null
in Visual Basic).
The value of this parameter can be null
in Visual Basic).
The value of this parameter can be null
in Visual Basic).
This method never returns null
in Visual Basic).
For Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.IDirectoryContents, IDirectory2, IDirectoryContents2, IWritableDirectory and IWritableDirectoryContents, relative paths are based on the directory itself; absolute paths are based on the root directory of the file provider. Notice the difference from Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.IFileInfo, IFileInfo2 and IWritableFileInfo, where relative paths are based on the directory where the file is located.
This method or property does not throw any exceptions, aside from execution exceptions such as System.Threading.ThreadAbortException or System.OutOfMemoryException.